Poopy MButt

Outtakes from Funny Songs

The website Inherently Funny has
received hundreds of submissions
for funny songs.

Many were not published.
A lot were poop jokes.


Poo Bum Poo Bum

By Poopy Man.

July 26, 2024

Doo Doo Moo Moo

Old doo moo had a farm, moo doo moo doo doooo!

April 9, 2023


It’s a spicy song with lots of trumpets and other things that toot, and it goes like this:

Oh, I gotta fart but there are other people in the room,
I’m constipated and if I do, I may not just fart air.
Oh whoa, so I’ll faaart forever and ever and I’ll faaart till the end of the sky.
Sorry baby, but I ate beans and broccoli,
Yeah, yeah fart.

March 23, 2023

Poo on the Tower

Poo on the tower, toilets in the sky,
Poo on the tower, super smelly guy.
Taking a walk just taking a walk down the streeeeeeeeet.
Poo on the tower, toilets in the sky,
Poo on the tower, my, look at them fly, etc.

February 15, 2018

The Poop Song

The poop goes plop apparently. And search plop and listen. Wow, poop sounds awesome.

October 16, 2017

Fart for Fun

If you have a sibling, fart in their faces. Why? Because farting is fun. So you should fart for fun today.

May 28, 2016

Mary Had a Little Fart, Little Fart, Mary Had a Little Fart, It Smelled Like Rotten Eggs.

Heh. Heh. Heh.

November 8, 2015